So, this is a dilemma that everyone will face at least once. Well, I guess maybe not if you’re the master of planning or something, but even so, there’s most likely going to be that one Christmas where you have a week until the big holiday and your mind is pulling a blank. And, of course, since this is still a book review website, these ideas are for that one, slightly crazy friend of yours that eats, breathes, and drinks books. Yeah, you know ’em. This is for them, and, I mean, mostly for you so you can get something for them, but… Oh, never mind. Let’s just jump right in.

  1. Personalized Bookmark- This is a super cute gift because you don’t need a lot of materials and you can also add a little custom touch to it that makes the gift extra special. All you need is paper, markers, a ruler, masking tape, a pencil, and scissors. Of course, this project will have just gotten a whole lot easier for you if you have a printer. And if there is a way for you to laminate the finished product, than that is also great. But not many people do, so that’s what the masking tape is for. Simply measure the size of the bookmark, color, and cut, then cover in masking tape. If you have a printer, first thing to do is to digitally make the gift, then print and cut. And of course, add the masking tape for extra protection. If you happen to be able to laminate it, that is what you would do instead of using the tape. Happy crafting!
  2. Re-Gifting- This next idea is very simple. Always use this method as a last resort. Such as, if it’s Christmas Eve and you have nothing to give and can’t drive to a store and pick something up because it’s snowing too hard or nothing is open, then this is what you do. But still, think about it as hard as you can before falling to this. See if you can make one of the other things on this list or come up with something yourself. Then, and only then, do you resort to re-gifting. For example, if you have a notebook or book you never used or read, your book-loving friend would love that. Still, get creative and think outside the box before simply re-gifting. That said, if something you already have just seems so perfect and you’ve never used it or opened it or anything, it would still be a great choice. As long as you put some thought into the gift, that’s what counts!
  3. DIY Feather Pen- This project for your writer friend is a bit tricky, especially in the middle of winter. But if you, for some reason, happen to have, I don’t know, a feather collection, or live someplace like California where snow doesn’t accompany Christmas, then this would be a great gift option. I advise taking your time choosing a feather. Dig through your feather collection, or go out for a walk in the California sunshine and find a feather that is a light color shade. White would be best. you’ll find out why soon enough. Keep in mind that you’re making this as a gift, so think outside the box and create what you think your friend would like. Now click on the link to learn how to make this spectacular gift:
  4. Brownie Mix- This gift isn’t exactly for a book-lover, but who doesn’t enjoy curling up and eating yummy brownies while reading a good story? For this simple yet thoughtful gift, just fill a mason jar, or any jar that has a lid, with the measured out dry ingredients, then write out a fancy card telling your friend what to add and how much. Be sure to write a cute message on the back, like Merry Christmas or Made With Love. Then you can hole punch the card and thread a ribbon through it. For the finishing touch, tie the ribbon around the jar, and ta da! You have a scrumptious, thoughtful gift to give for Christmas!
  5. The last one is really quite easy. If you can get out of the house, and if you have some nice shops close by, then the obvious option for a present is to go out and find one. The problems start to happen, though, if you can’t find anything. That’s when this list comes in handy to help you make this the perfect Christmas ever, last-minute gifts and all!