4.5Overall Score

You might have read one of my other reviews that was on the second Upside Down Magic book, Sticks and Stones. But if you haven't that's great because today I'm going to be doing a review on the ...

  • Plot
  • Characters

You might have read one of my other reviews that was on the second Upside Down Magic book, Sticks and Stones. But if you haven’t that’s great because today I’m going to be doing a review on the first book in the series. And I apologize for not doing a review on the first book before doing a review on the second, but I didn’t own the first at that time and I could barely remember what it was about. So anyway, the Upside Down Magic series is super cool and what I really like about it is that it’s actually written by three people. I think that it’s very impressing that they were able to work together and create an awesome book series. That takes patience and skill!

So now you’re probably really wanting to here what this book is about. Well, it’s about a girl named Elinor, but everyone calls her Nory. She lives in a world of magic, where there is five different groups that each have their own special talent. Flares have fire in their hands and can heat things up or even cook stuff, Fuzzies basically have the power to make all animals love them and do as they say, Flyers have the ability to fly, Fluxers have the talent to turn into any animal, starting at a black kitten, and Flickers are able to turn objects, themselves, and even other people invisible. Nory is a Fluxer, but she can’t do the regular black kitten. In fact, she can’t make any animal regular. Nory has upside down magic, which means she mixes up her animals and turns into two at the same time, like a kitten and a beaver, which is called a bitten. To her father, who is the headmaster of a magic school called Sage Academy that’s very hard to get into, Nory is a great disappointment. See, her older brother, Hawthorn, is a powerful Flare and he goes to Sage Academy. Dalia, Nory’s older sister, is a strong Fuzzy and also goes to Sage Academy. So Nory’s father thought that she would go to the academy as well… but that didn’t happen. Instead, when Nory’s magic came in, her father is SOOO disappointed because her magic is wonky that he sends her to live with her aunt in Dunwiddle. Nory thinks that living with Aunt Margo isn’t that bad, but what she’s really not looking forward to is starting school. You see, Dunwiddle School has a program for kids like Nory, who have magic that doesn’t fit neatly into one of the five Fs. But at Dunwiddle they call it upside down magic. And when it’s Nory’s first day, her aunt sets her up to walk with a boy named Elliot, who also is in the upside down magic class and instead of making fire like a regular Flare, he makes ice. So while Nory and Elliot walk to school, Elliot tells Nory about some of the other kids that he knows are going to be in the same class as them, the upside down magic class. All the information Elliot gave her makes Nory nervous and even more unhappy. When she gets to the classroom, Nory meets Ms. Starr, the teacher of the upside down magic class. Class is nice enough, but Nory wants to get out of there and over to the regular room for the normal Fluxers. So she hatches a plan for her and Elliot to get shipped out of the upside down magic class. All they have to do is study like crazy, and, at the end, take the test. If they fail, they’ll stay upside down. But if they pass, Nory and Elliot will become normal.

So, that’s basically what the first book in the Upside Down Magic series is about. It’s super good, and perfect for all of those fantasy lovers. I also think that it’s great that these books are a series because it gives you something to look forward to. And there is seven wonderful books in the series and the eighth is coming out June first!!! Personally, I can’t wait to read about Nory and her friends in a new book. The seventh ended with me on the edge of my seat, desperately wanting to know what will happen next! 😉 Bye for now!!!