Tweet Cute
Published: 2019
5.0Overall Score

Tweet Cute

I just read a new book and it was great! Tweet Cute written by Emma Lord. This book kept me on my toes and laughing a lot! Let me tell you why Tweet Cute is the perfect book to pick up for ...

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I just read a new book and it was great! Tweet Cute written by Emma Lord. This book kept me on my toes and laughing a lot! Let me tell you why Tweet Cute is the perfect book to pick up for yourself…

Tweet Cute is set this day and age where modern technology and social media are fully present. Much of the book even has tweeting and texting dialogue that you see written by the characters throughout the story. It is a young adult book, which I do typically like, however a few of the terms and lingo left this middle aged woman scratching her head;) I do think teens would fall head over heels for this book and totally be able to relate! All that said, I still loved this book and will read it again. I shared it with my 11 year old daughter after reading it and she too liked it. So, a little about the book – the main character is a teen-age over achiever, new to New York City where she is trying to survive and adjust coming from a small town. Her mom runs a hugely successful fast food franchise, that she helps with social media on. During the course of her helping out on social media she finds herself in a twitter war with a local burger joint that has loyal and dedicated local fans. In the meantime there are some twists and turns that involve a certain boy in her school, family drama and just general teen issues. It’s a fun book, but it’s also about becoming who you want to be and not someone else’s version or dream for you. I think it’s an excellent fun read that also has some valuable insights, which is what I admire about Emma Lord’s book and I thinks it’s an excellent option for any teen to read, or adult! (Even if you aren’t totally in the know with all the fresh new lingo;) Happy reading!