The Girl Who Saved Christmas
Illustrator: Chris Mould
Published: 2016
4.7Overall Score

The Girl Who Saved Christmas

This book has been on my list of must-reads for a long time, since last Christmas in fact, so this year I decided to bust it out in the time for the holidays. Though I didn't finish it in time ...

  • Plot
  • Characters

This book has been on my list of must-reads for a long time, since last Christmas in fact, so this year I decided to bust it out in the time for the holidays. Though I didn’t finish it in time for the 2022 Christmas, I did soon after, and declared it worthy of a review! Matt Haig’s book, The Girl Who Saved Christmas, is amazing for many reasons. The main one I’m writing to talk about is that it certainly fills kids with magic and delight for the holiday season. The story also teaches kids that all you need is a little belief and determination to succeed. I also enjoyed Matt Haig’s interesting and unique approach to writing. The different perspective really made the book intriguing and entertaining! Applause to you!

This book follows the story of Amelia Wishart, a young girl whose hope originally sparked the first Christmas. Yet, one year later, she begins to lose that very hope when Saint Nick failed to make an appearance that December 25th. Little did she know, this was because of the tragedy that had occurred in Elfhelm, the magical world of the elves, and also Father Christmas’s home. With the place in a state of devastation, Christmas was cancelled that year, but now, after another year passed, Nickolas is determined to make sure that the little Amelia doesn’t wake up disappointed on Christmas day. But things have changed. The young girl’s mother, who had fallen ill, passed away, leaving Amelia on her own. Trying and failing to escape, she is sent to Mr. Creeper’s workhouse, where she is separated from her life-long friend, a black cat named Captain Soot, and is forced to work all day and night. And when Amelia suddenly takes a chance at freedom, she get locked away in the basement, and the last of her hope is sucked away. Meanwhile, back in Elfhelm, an elf named Noosh gets the opportunity of a lifetime, and a chance at her dream job. But just how much is she willing to risk for success? The only person she told about her adventure was her small son, Little Mim, knowing how much her husband, Humdrum would worry if he found out. But Little Mim won’t let his mother slip away into danger without him… And Father Christmas is desperately trying to get his sleigh up and running, but hope is in short supply this year, and things aren’t going so smoothly. But he’s prepared for anything, and will do anything to make sure that Christmas doesn’t get called off for the second time in a row. When all of our characters join together, a magical holiday season can’t be denied… right?

One thing I have to say is that at times, this book lost my engagement, and I found myself looking for something else to read. But when I finished it in the end, I was glad I did! And if you try this story, and like it, make sure to be on the look out for the A Boy Called Christmas, the book about Father Christmas as a kid! Because Matt Haig is spreading hope and magic all around the world, one book at a time!