Meow or Never
Published: 2021
4.8Overall Score

Meow or Never

Hello everyone, hope you had a good weekend. My family and I went out for lunch on Sunday, and visited Klindt's, a bookstore close to the restaurant(See my post "The Oldest Bookstore in Oregon" ...

  • Plot
  • Characters

Hello everyone, hope you had a good weekend. My family and I went out for lunch on Sunday, and visited Klindt’s, a bookstore close to the restaurant(See my post “The Oldest Bookstore in Oregon” for more about this amazing shop). While I was there, I purchased two books. One of them is called Meow or Never, by Jazz Taylor. I really enjoyed this book for a lot of reasons. Do you like cats? In general, I’m a huge animal fan, so I certainly do! Well, a cat does make an appearance quite often in this story, which, cat-lovers, might make this the perfect book for you! Although you probably already figured this book had something to do with cats from the title… anyway, let’s dive deeper into the ‘about’ of this story!

Meow or Never is about a girl named Avery Williams. She recently had to move, which is making her have tons of anxiety, and, unfortunately, causes her to have panic attacks. And that results in Avery being shy, and nervous to talk to anybody. That doesn’t stop her from being in theater, although it does mean that, instead of singing with the actors, she stays back with the crew. But when Avery goes digging in a closet back-stage, she finds the least likely of things. A cat. Avery is delighted that she finally has a friend, and visits the cat, which she names Phantom, nearly everyday. The young girl even sings her new companion. Things start to fall apart, however, when Avery’s crush, Nic, hears her singing and convinces her to audition for the school play. Against her wishes, Avery gets the lead role! Thankfully, she and Nic become friends, and start to practice together. Then, much to Avery’s delight, a girl named Harper, the person who wrote the class play, makes friends with her too! Soon, the three of them transform into best friends, and begin having sleepovers and hanging out. Avery’s getting better at the acting part, but she’s still to afraid to sing in front of people other than her friends. But then, what happens when Harper discovers that little matter of a cat in the closet… will Avery’s other friend follow? And is Avery ready to take on the class play? Find out in Meow or Never by Jazz Taylor.

I feel like this book is a truly inspiring story about friendship, being brave, and doing what you want to do. I would recommend this book to so many people, and I already can’t wait to read it again. Meow or Never is the most addicting story ever; I read it all in one day. That is to say, I did kind of read it non-stop, but still. If this book sounds interesting, check it out!! I’ll see you later, bye!