Illustrator: Brian Selznick
Published: 1996
3.8Overall Score


Frindle is a entertaining book by Andrew Clements about a boy who invents a new word. I like this book because it shows that you can do anything you set your mind to, and it also is a very unique ...

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Frindle is a entertaining book by Andrew Clements about a boy who invents a new word. I like this book because it shows that you can do anything you set your mind to, and it also is a very unique story idea. I must say that in my opinion, some parts can get a bit dull, so maybe look elsewhere if you need a suspenseful story with excitement around every twist and turn. If you’d like, maybe go check out my review on Deep Water by Watt Key. But if you’re curious and want to try it out anyway, or if you like books that are a little more mellow, than feel free to read away!

Nicholas Allen isn’t a troublemaker exactly… he just likes to make things a little interesting. This was easier to do in the grades up until the fifth one. Now Nick’s teacher, Mrs. Granger, has eyes like a hawk and won’t fall more any of his clever little tricks. She expertly maneuvers around every one, at least until Nick pulls his biggest idea yet. Mrs. Granger had informed him that words are made up and become real words when everybody decides they should be. When he and his friend are walking home one day, he comes up with a plan. Inventing a new word. The next day he goes up to the store counter and asks for a frindle while pointing at a pen. Then he gets his classmates to do the same thing. Soon nearly the whole school is saying frindle instead of pen, and Mrs. Granger is getting mad. She tries everything, but can’t get the kids to stop. The new word begins to spread… and spread… and spread some more, until people all over the world are using the word frindle. News channels come and interview the fifth grade teacher and Nick Allen himself, shirts and pens (er, frindles) and hats and anything else you can think of is being sold with the word ‘frindle’ printed on them. It’s safe that the word has taken over the world, but how will the story end?

Frindle definitely is an inspiring story, and I have read it multiple times. Andrew Clements had also written several other books, including Lunch Money, The Report Card, Room One, and many others. If you like this book, I would suggest you look into getting his other stories. Happy reading!