Daughter of the Deep
Published: 2021
5.0Overall Score

Daughter of the Deep

I am so excited to share this book with you today, as it just might be one of my FAVORITE BOOKS IN THE WORLD. I'm not joking. Rick Riordan is such a fabulous author and the story line and ...

  • Plot
  • Characters

I am so excited to share this book with you today, as it just might be one of my FAVORITE BOOKS IN THE WORLD. I’m not joking. Rick Riordan is such a fabulous author and the story line and characters are just so captivating. I could barely put this book down!

Daughter of the Deep is about a teenage girl named Ana Dakkar. She goes to a high school called Harding-Pencroft Academy, where the main priorities are underwater knowledge. Ana’s parents passed away two years ago when they went on a ocean adventure for science, so know the young girl has only her older brother, Dev, who goes to the same school. Soon the freshmen class of Harding-Pencroft has to take on the weekend trial, where they board a boat to go out to sea. Ana is nervous about passing, and the anxiety only intensifies when her class witnesses an event that will change their lives forever. But soon after they leave the dock, she realizes that she has more… serious problems to deal with. In the confusion, the leader of the trial, Professor Hewett, tells the class that them and their rival school, Land Institute, have been having a strong war for the past 150 years. Now, at an impeccably bad time, the war has risen to the surface, and so has Land Institute. In order to save their classmates, and quite possibly the whole school, Ana and her closest friends, Esther and Nelinah, need to work together and mend hurt feelings with people that they never would have thought of as friends. But the solution to this mystery may not be what they thought. The journey leads to many answers, but many more questions as well. Ana learns more about her family, friends, and enemies than she ever thought she could, and discovers that there’s more to this adventure than it seems. And at the final fight to the end, everyone gets a shocking surprise. The culprit who destroyed everything they’ve ever known is not who they had seemed. They are a traitor. Dive deeper into the depths of this book, and you will soon find yourself battling monsters and laughing along with the rest of the freshmen crew in this nail-biter, cliff-hanger of a story.

Daughter of the Deep is an amazing story and I couldn’t be more happy to say that I own this book. It combines the perfect combination of comedy and adventure, along with a heart-warming ending about family and friends. It also mixes two older books, called 20,00 Leagues Under the Sea and Mysterious Island, both by Jules Verne. I loved making the connections and piecing together the clues to figure every little thing out with Ana and her friends. If you love the ocean, adventure, and a little bit of comedy, this book is for you!