Short Story


Hello! I know I have been posting lots of poems lately, so I decided to shake things up and share some flash fiction. Honestly, it’s kind of a random story, but the message is good, and I hope you enjoy! Jungle Rescue Mecyan was alone. In the jungle. Just a minute ago she had been Read more

Best Books for Dog Lovers


Hello! I wanted to start with a short intro because I am introducing a new category. This is for all those times you don’t know what book to jump into next. Simply look for the article that sounds like a fit, and start reading to find a handy list of books that might interest you! Read more

Poem by ME


Wind The wind tonight The gusts of day They give me the frights As the leaves don’t behave As the sticks scratch As the branches wave As the birds latch On a safe space In the tree In the barn In the world Somewhere safe While the wind twirls