So, I want to start by letting everyone know that I am not the one that wrote this beauty of a poem. I would be quite proud of myself if I did, but alas, I did not. Instead I am actually very impressed with Gail Carson Levine, who wrote what she calls a writer’s spell poem, with the help of Shakespeare’s witches in Macbeth. If you would, in fact, like to take a look at a poem I created with the same general idea (to inspire writers), then I advise to check out the post I made called Getting Inspired. Anyway, I’ll stop talking and show you the poem:

Mutter, mutter, dream and ponder;

Writer writes and fingers flutter.

Starting words of a startling tale,

On the paper, laugh or wail,

Days of joy and weeks of woe,

Mountains high and vales below,

Hero’s hope, villain’s might,

Evil’s plot, virtue bright.

With this spell of flash and thunder,

In a vision, write the wonder.

I hope this poem will help you if you ever get writer’s block or just want a little inspiration! If this works, just remember to thank Gail Carson Levine!