Hello! I am excited to share with you this amazing news… I have officially written and published a book! It’s called Julie The Superdog, and it’s about a spaniel named Julie who is one of many dogs that have powers like flying, jumping super long and high, and moving things with her mind. Julie is young, so most of her powers haven’t come in yet. For now, she goes on missions The Boss, which is the leader of all dogs with powers, has assigned for her. But one day, her new owner, Cora, finds the paper that tells Julie what her mission is. Cora now knows what Julie can do, but after talking to The Boss, that problem is out of the way. But still, can Julie complete her actual assignment… with Cora’s help?

If this book sounds interesting to you, the link is below:


I am planning on creating a series, so if you purchase this book and enjoy reading it, be on the look out for #2 in the series. Thank you😀🐶📘