Have you ever heard of OBOB? It’s this totally awesome program for all kids in the state of Oregon that are in grades 3-12. OBOB stands for the Oregon Battle of Books. All the grades are in three different grade groups. one for grades 3-5, one for grades 6-8, and one for grades 9-12. Each grade group has a different sixteen books. The sixteen books are divided into 2 groups, called group 1 and group 2. Then the kids who are in that grade group, for example the 3-5 group, would either choose to read the 8 books in group 1 or the 8 books in group 2. The kids will then have a couple of months to read there 8 books. If they finish reading all there books, they can reread all the books. After the couple of months all the kids will hold a meeting so they can form teams. Once you get put in teams, you should start practicing with your team right away! A fun thing that I want to mention is that you and your team get to make up your very own team name and then you can paint on some white t-shirts to make you own team shirt! You can also reread a lot of your books and you may even want to read some of the books that are on the other group.

After a while, it is time for your team to go to the Mini Regionals! In the Mini Regionals you will compete against other teams from different schools from Hood River. The way a battle works is that there is 16 questions and 8 of them are in which book questions and the other 8 are content questions witch are questions that are about one specific book. For each question you get right you get 5 points. For each question you get halfway right you get 3 points, and then the other team gets a chance to answer and if they get it right, they get 2 points. then, after all of your battles are done someone adds up your points and the top 8 teams go into elimination rounds. And guess what? If you win all of the elimination rounds you win the Mini Regionals!!

And if you win the Mini Regionals you get to go onto the Regionals!!!! And if you win that, you get to move up to States!!!!!! And then…. If your team wins THAT then you and your team are the champions of the whole entire OBOB!!!!!!!!