This is a poem by me, Seattle Strayer. I hope you enjoy it:

There is Books for Everyone written by Seattle Strayer:

We all know what books can do

But you have to find the right one for you

If you find the right one, it will put you in a trance

But some books, well, we don’t give them a chance

We could read a couple pages, fall completely in love

But sometimes we read books we just want to shove

But if you read just a couple chapters and don’t like it, pretty, pretty, PLEASE don’t throw a big fit

read a couple more chapters to let the excitement grow

Then you might not want to bury your head in a pillow

But if you still don’t like it, and it’s simply not your match, then just detach

Go somewhere better, maybe try and knit a sweater

Your special book is out there, I’m positive there is

Sooner or later, you’ll become a reading whiz!

And that raps it up folks(ha, ha),I hope you enjoyed my poem called There is Books for Everyone. See you next time!