Hello! I know I have been posting lots of poems lately, so I decided to shake things up and share some flash fiction. Honestly, it’s kind of a random story, but the message is good, and I hope you enjoy!

Jungle Rescue

Mecyan was alone. In the jungle. Just a minute ago she had been with her whole family. They had gone on a tour in western Africa for Mecyan’s birthday, but the trip had been kind of disastrous. First, let’s be clear; Mecyan’s brothers were the ones who had jostled her arm and made her lose her ice cream. Right? Now, as Mecyan was thinking back to the moment, she wasn’t so sure. Also, yesterday she realized her favorite dress, the pink one with leopards on it, wasn’t in her suitcase. Instead, it was at home. And of course it had been her mom’s fault for not reminding Mecyan to pack it. Yet now she wasn’t entirely convinced of that either. And, just one more example of how wrong this trip was going, Mecyan was lost in the jungle with a whole lot of dangerous animals!

Just calm down, Mecyan. The 13 year old thought. She was still angry. Especially because her cousin Olivia had been the reason all this had occurred. When the family was eating lunch, she heard a stream and begged her parents to let her go down to collect rocks. Olivia had an impressive rock collection, so Mecyan slipped away when the family wasn’t looking so she could find some stones for her younger cousin. Why did Olivia need so many rocks anyway? Everything was her fault. Suddenly, as Mecyan was walking along the stream, she tripped and fell onto the muddy earth.

“What the!” Mecyan turned and found herself looking down at a leopard. And not just any leopard, either. The big cat was mostly tan, but instead of black spots, they were purple! “I could have been seriously hurt! Choose somewhere else to be lazy!”

“I’m… so sorry.” The cat wheezed. Curious, Mecyan bent down next to the leopard.

“What happened?” She asked.

“My mom went off to look for food hours ago and never came back. I was angry at her at first for leaving me, but I realized that it wasn’t her fault. So I got sad. While I was crying a hunter snuck up on me. I tried to leap away, but my leg… He left, but I fear he’ll be back soon. If something happened to my mom, I’m the only Leople left. A purple leopard.” The cat explained.

“Terrible! I’m on a trip with my family, and things haven’t been going well for me. I’ve been blaming a lot of people, but everything was my fault. I realize that it’s wrong to do that.” Mecyan produced an emergency kit that the tour guide handed out. “But I definitely want to help you!” Taking the gauze, she dipped it in water and wrapped the Leople’s leg.

“That feels better. You saved me. Thanks!” Standing gingerly, the cat nuzzled Mecyan before she limped away.

Seconds later, Mecyan’s family came. Assuring them she was okay, she then apologized for being rude. All forgiven, the group headed back to continue their vacation.

Have a great day!