Hello guys! As you might know, April is Earth Month and April 22 is Earth Day. In honor of our beautiful planet, I wrote a poem about things that we could get rid of to make our world a better place to live.

I Dream of a World…

I dream of a world without pollution in our oceans.

I dream of a world without litter and those who do it.

I dream of a world with the animals safe, not captured in nets or endangered.

I dream of a world with kinder people.

I dream of a world without missing items and dogs and people and those who take them.

I dream of a world with the kids safe, not teased or hurt by bullies.

Now that you know the world I dream,

help me make our world that world I dream.

I hope this little poem helped remind you of some things you can do to help our planet, like picking up trash in your neighborhood, or donating some money to endangered animals. Even small things can make a big difference. We can all do our part to keep planet Earth beautiful. If you have time, please post a comment telling me about how you help the planet or your community. I will too! Happy Earth Day! 🌎