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Best Mystery Books (Authors)


Hello! Do you like mystery stories? I sure do, and along the way I’ve acquired a collection of mystery writers whose books I love. Some you may have heard of, but others maybe not. So, without any more hesitation, start reading the list below! Well, there you have it folks! I hope you enjoyed and Read more

Book Release (IMPORTANT)


Before I tell you what book has recently came out, I just wanted to say that I’m super excited. The book has been written for a long time now, but after many revisions and many weeks, it’s here and ready to be the fifth book in the series. Can you guess what I’m talking about? Read more

Best Fantasy Books


Oh, boy do I love a good fantasy book. They can transport you to a whole other world, one you couldn’t visit over the weekend or hop on an airplane to fly to. Fantasy worlds exist only in our imagination, and that’s what makes them so great. Down below, I’ve listed some books that you Read more