Whether its a long flight across the world, a short one across your country, or even just a drive across your state, everyone loves the excitement and anticipation of traveling. And if you ever feel the need to get out of the house, but aren’t sure where to go, I’ve got you covered. At least if you’re a reader or writer, that is…

  1. Tennessee Williams & New Orleans Literary Festival– All writers should have this destination on their bucket list, and do you know why? Because you’ll get to attend literary discussions, craft events, music events, and more, especially if you splurge and treat yourself to a VIP pass! Ooh la la! And, a bonus, if you’re a big writer, if you enter one of their competitions and win, you get to go for free, and read your piece out loud! Sounds a little scary, but also like an incredible opportunity!
  2. Library of Congress– The biggest library in the world? Sign me up! It’s true, the Library of Congress, located in Washington DC, houses over 170 million materials. Sounds like the dream! For a book lover of course. Though anyone would love to soak in the sights of a 222 year old library, right? Thousands of grand details to observe, and all you have to do is travel to Washington DC and book a free reservation to walk the halls of this magnificent sight.
  3. Library Hotel– If you’re a reader planning a trip to New York City, than it only makes sense to book a stay in the Library hotel, right? With the hotel stacked from top to bottom with shelves of books, you’ll be right at home, and when you’re ready to turn in for the night, the specially selected collection of books in your own hotel room are there for you. So curl up and get to reading in this unique Library Hotel!
  4. Waterstones Piccadilly– You might have visited the Library of Congress, but now try out the largest bookstore in Europe! Home to over eight miles of bookshelves, this place will have you filling your hands with as many books as you can carry! There’s only one problem… How will you find a big enough suitcase?!
  5. Book Signings Near You– There’s a chance that you can’t go far for your trip, so perhaps you should look into some author events close by. Get your favorite books signed by your favorite authors, and maybe ask them a few questions or give them a couple of compliments too! Your vacation doesn’t have to be all that elaborate in order for a book lover like you to have fun!