New Kid
Published: 2019
5.0Overall Score

New Kid

Hello! I have always liked to read graphic novels when I want a more entertaining read, and New Kid by Jerry Craft is the perfect thing. Not only are the drawings amazing, the story line is ...

  • Plot
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Hello! I have always liked to read graphic novels when I want a more entertaining read, and New Kid by Jerry Craft is the perfect thing. Not only are the drawings amazing, the story line is totally relatable and you will find yourself reading this book over and over again.

Jordan Banks is starting seventh grade, and a new school. Though Jordan wanted to stay at his old school until eighth grade, then go to art school, he mom didn’t agree. So she persuaded him to go to Riverdale Academy Day School, otherwise known as RAD. The school’s super nice, and Jordan’s guide, a kid named Liam, is really nice too, but it’s huge, and tough for Jordan to fit in. Luckily, Jordan has Liam as a friend, and soon he meets Drew as well, another kid that likes hanging out and enjoys the same things as Jordan. But Jordan is hesitant to bring the two boys together, but when he finally does, he’s glad. The boys stick together, always have each other’s backs, and couldn’t have gotten better friends. And of course, Andy won’t leave the group alone, teasing and picking on everyone in his class. And school wouldn’t be complete without a girl obsessed with puppets. But nobody knows that she has secrets deep inside… Until she decided to confide in Jordan. And when he goes over to Liam’s gigantic house, Jordan’s dad seems to feel sad and rejected. RAD is challenging enough without having all of the drama to deal with outside of the classes, but can Jordan make it to eighth grade?

New Kid is really realistic, and will inspire kids to be more like themselves. Craft combines a funny comic with a real life scenario to get the best graphic novel ever. And if you’re hooked on this book, try the second one in the series, called Class Act.