Dear Readers,

It’s been a little since I posted any new material, and I just wanted to give you all a quick update of things that are coming soon. I’ve had the goal to add more content to my website for a while now, but this year I’m hoping to actually make some real changes. These will include short videos, story customization, and an online store. So, for this post, I’m going to go into a little more detail about each of these goals. Let’s start with the short videos. I want to add read-alouds, book unboxing videos, and also a read-alouds of a chapter of a larger book that we will read together of the course of several weeks. This is the first addition I’m hoping to set up. The second one is something I’m really excited about. Story customization! With this feature, you can fill out a form about a story idea that you have, and I will write it for you! This works as a great gift for someone’s birthday, Christmas, or another holiday that you celebrate. The last addition I want to talk about today is an online store. This goal might take longer than the other two to complete, but I’m sure that the end result with be out of this world. The online store is where you could find merchandise with my website logo or my book logos on them. You would also be able to purchase the books that I’ve written, such as Julie The Superdog and other upcoming stories. All of these new features will take a while to complete, so I want to warn you that some of them may not be available before 2023. Hopefully the videos will be able to come out before then. But for now, just simply enjoy my other blog posts and written reviews. Have fun!

-Seattle Strayer