Love and Gelato
Published: 2016
5.0Overall Score

Love and Gelato

Love and Gelato is my absolute favorite book of all time. I literally read this book 8 times! And just writing this review about it, makes me want to read it again. Love and Gelato is a young ...

  • Plot
  • Characters

Love and Gelato is my absolute favorite book of all time. I literally read this book 8 times! And just writing this review about it, makes me want to read it again. Love and Gelato is a young adult book written by Jenna Evans Welch. This author has a way of taking you on a journey with her writing. It makes you feel as if you are on the travels along with the characters. If you are interested in fun, romance, comedy all with some depth, then this is the book for you. Love and Gelato starts with being set in Seattle (which is one of my favorite cities) and then travels you to Italy (which is my dream destination) which could explain why I personally enjoy this book so much, lol!

Anyway, it’s basically about a teenage girl named Lina who is extremely close with her mother, but her mother gets sick and passes away just before Lina is about to start her senior year in high school. Her mother’s wish is for Lina to move to Italy to live with her mother’s old friend Howard. So Lina has to move all away across the country leaving her friends and life behind to move in with basically a stranger in a foreign country. Lina has a best friend in Seattle she shares her woes with (which this best friend is actually the main character in another one of Jenna Evans Welch’s books, but we’ll save that for another review:) During her time moving to Italy she meets new friends and forms new bonds and discovers secrets about her mother’s life before she became a mom to Lina.

It’s full of fun, excitement, and adventure.  It’s not often I find myself wishing that someone would turn a book into a movie, but I often do with this one. The characters, the setting, the story line, are all magnificent and truly take you on a journey. I hope you to find yourself wanting to la dolce vita after reading this book!