Deep Water
Published: 2018
4.8Overall Score

Deep Water

Hello everyone, hope you're having a good day! Today's review is about a book called Deep Water, written by Watt Key. First of all, let me just say that this book was the BEST! I was at the ...

  • Plot
  • Suspense
  • Characters

Hello everyone, hope you’re having a good day! Today’s review is about a book called Deep Water, written by Watt Key. First of all, let me just say that this book was the BEST! I was at the bookstore, looking for a book or two, and I was browsing the OBOB section(If you want more information about what OBOB is, see my post “About OBOB”). The cover really screamed excitement! Suspense! That’s the kind of thing I like in a book, so it grabbed my attention almost immediately. Deep Water gave me both of those things, and more. It was like all the amazing anticipation was being handed to me on a silver platter- er, in a book. Anyway, I started reading it the minute I got home, and, since I couldn’t put it down, I literally read the whole book on the same day!

So, Deep Water is about a girl named Julie, whose parents are divorced. In the summer she lives with her dad in Alabama, but stays in Atlanta with her mom during school. This book takes place in Alabama. Julie’s dad owns a scuba diving business where he(And Julie in the summers) take people out on his boat, the Barbie Doll, to share interesting places to view under the water with their clients. But one day, Julie and her father are out giving Shane and his dad, Mr. Jordan, a tour of two army tanks from the Vietnam War. The tanks belong to Julie’s father, Gibson Sims, and only he knows their location. Anyway, the foursome are out on Mr. Sims’s boat, and he starts to feel a little weird. So his daughter, Julie, has to take over and lead Shane and Mr. Jordan down to the tanks. But the two clients aren’t being very cooperative, and don’t listen when the girl warns them that they don’t have much more time in their air tanks. Julie instead decides to go over and watch the anchor. When she gets back to the place where they put it, though, she discovers that it has been pulled loose. The group of three are now on their own. With nothing else to do, Julie tells them to go above the water and take off most of their gear. It’s in that way they float, for longer than they wish, only hoping someone will spot them. But problems begin to arise when the sharks show up… Will Julie, and her dad’s clients, get out alive?

Like I said, this book was one of my all time favorites, and as soon as I read the first sentence, I was totally hooked. Another reason that I love this book is because even though it is semi-thick, I went through it pretty fast. Although me reading the book 24/7 probably had something to do with that… anyway, I highly suggest that you buy that book if you are addicted to stories that are filled to the brim with thrill and nail-biting chapter endings! Take care, and I’ll see you next time. Until then, happy reading!