Fenway and Hattie: Up to New Tricks
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Published: 2018
5.0Overall Score

Fenway and Hattie: Up To New Tricks

I think these books are super funny and they always make me laugh. I have read all the books in the series and I own 2 of them myself. This series is perfect and they are full of love and are ...

  • Plot

I think these books are super funny and they always make me laugh. I have read all the books in the series and I own 2 of them myself. This series is perfect and they are full of love and are perfect for puppy lovers like me. All of the books are about a girl named Hattie and a dog named Fenway. They both love each other a lot but sometimes Fenway misunderstands things and he thinks that Hattie is being mean to him when really she is trying to help him instead. Fenway and Hattie: Up To New Tricks is the 3rd book in the series and is about what happens when Fenway gets stung on his paw by a bee and Hattie and here parents have to take him to the vet’s office and the vet has to put a cone on Fenway so he can’t lick his paw! Soon, they have to go back to the vet’s office to get his cone taken off. Fenway thinks everything will be able to go back to normal, but Hattie starts rubbing a yucky tasting goo on his paw! She also starts making Fenway take baths! Everyone seems to be mad at him. Fenway doesn’t think it could get any worse and so he thinks he has to find a way to escape. Soon, though, Fenway discovers there is no need to do that because Hattie had always loved him, he just didn’t see it. I loved this book because it has puppies, love, and how you should never give up, no matter how hard the task might be. I definitely think this book is really inspiring for kids. These books are heart warming and, as a bonus, they are pretty funny too. This book should be on the top of your list if you are looking for something funny but also something loving and cute. Keep on reading😉