This is a poem that was written by Seattle Strayer. It is called Books will Fly in Front of MY eyes:

The book you were reading just a minute ago

Is gone.

 I laid my eyes on it a second ago

But as I look now it has vanished. 

You have just gone out the door.

 Now I am alone in the dusty old house that you own.

I glance over at the spot where your book was as if it would be back.

But what I see makes me jump and yelp in surprise.

The book was back.

 But it now had 2 other books stacked on top of it.

I looked suspiciously around the room. 

What was going on?

I felt a sharp tingle against the back of my neck.

My vision blurred and I was momentarily blind.

Wind rushed ferociously around me. 

The wind had sparkly dust flying in it.

I was scared.

All of a sudden the wind cleared.

But what I saw next was a big surprise.

The door was open but that wasn’t the surprise.

All around the room and outside, books were everywhere.

And by everywhere, I mean flying.

1 of the books flew up to me and started talking to me.

“Can you see us?” He clearly asked me.

“ I’m sure!” I said in response.

“You must be special!” All the books cried.

All the books circled around me.

I was special?

No one ever told me I was special.

“But why me?” I ask curiously.

The books begin to tell me the story…….

“So” I conclude at the end of the story.

“ I’m special because not many people can see you guys?”

“Yes” the books all say.

Now, I want to have fun.

So I run through the whirlwind of books and play with them.

Later, a big, ancient book comes up to me.

“ would you like a ride around town?” he asked me.

I could not believe my luck!

“Yes!” I say.

I climb onto the book’s back and he zooms out the door.

“And then- oh! I forgot to tell you my name!” The old book cried right

 in the middle of one of his awesome childhood stories.

“My name is Fairy Tales for Kids.”

Then we come back to the house and go inside.

You came back through the door.

Where has she been?

I want to ask but I don’t.

Instead, I look out the window.

The sun is just rising.

I remember now.

You left to go to bed at your other house.

I was here all night!

Now, I start to tell you what happened but think better of it.

Now that I know that I can see books fly I will always come back at night time.

I guess books will fly in front of MY eyes.

 But obviously you can’t see the books fly.

But I can.